"I wanted to tell you that I am extraordinarily pleased with your work on both the treble and tenor boxes. I do love the very raw and quick nature of the model 21 and the tenor has a very clean and pure sound. " DT, London
I hope that the pictures on the Restoration Gallery page will speak for themselves, but here are a few of the kind things that customers have said.
"I can’t thank you enough for your fantastic work on my Aeola – I’ve just picked it up from the post office and had a few wee tunes on it – it is playing brilliantly and sounding absolutely wonderful – not to mention looking so good."
BM, N Ireland
"I confess, I thought it might be just a little too strident, but not a bit of it, it even blends very sweetly indeed, with Sam's F set of Northumbrian Pipes. So I couldn't be more pleased with it." DG, N Ireland
"Many thanks. I’m very happy with it and cannot find fault – your finishing work is exemplary, up to your usual standard!" IY, Australia
"I just wanted to contact you after 5 months of owning the beautifully restored concertina you sold me to say that I am thoroughly enjoying playing it.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity of owning such a prize instrument in
tip top condition." EM, Kent
"Eddie is here -- and looks and sounds SPEC-TAC-U-LAR. The restoration work
you have done is absolutely perfect, and it is now one stunning concertina.
I am very, very pleased."
PD, Washington State
"I bought a wooden ended Wheatstone Aeola (about 1914) at Whitby last year from Chris Algar. Chris told me you had done the restoration. I just thought I would send you a message to compliment you on the superb job. The finish is wonderful as are the action and sound, Thank you.." IW, England
AND FINALLY... a video review of a Bb/F Jeffries: https://youtu.be/4debeQ-ZG6w